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Natural moisturizers for all skin types

People’s skin loses moisture, which is why it will become drier. To avoid skin drying you will need to restore that moisture and hydration.

To benefit from the right hydration, you can use the products already on the market, just be careful that they are natural. Another variant of creams is the ones prepared in your home. The creams prepared in the house will be 100% natural and much cheaper than the ones on the market.

     How do these types of creams work?

With the help of natural moisturizing creams, you can provide your skin with the necessary moisture to maintain a perfect state of elasticity. If the cream has in its composition vitamins A and E, then your skin will regain its natural radiance and will be more resistant.

     Natural moisturizers for normal skin

This type of skin will need a cream to help it regenerate the cellular tissue. The cellular tissue will recover as the aid of vitamins and of the necessary hydration. A normal skin type will be much easier to maintain.

     Natural moisturizer made from potatoes:

  •  boil 3 potatoes, then mix
  • then add equal amount of rose water and milk and two drops of glycerin
  •  after mixing, store in a glass container or jar and put in the refrigerator for about 7 days.

     For dry skin, you will need Avocado hydrant. It is prepared as follows:

  • boil an egg and mix with avocado and a tablespoon of coconut oil.
  • after mixing them you will get a creamy paste.
  • then apply the cream to the skin and leave for about 30 minutes
  • the elimination of the cream is done with the help of hot water

This type of skin will need a lot more hydration than the above, so I have specified a cream with products that will deeply hydrate it. With the help of avocado cream, your skin will be much healthier and more beautiful.

     Hidratantes naturales para pieles grasas.

Para este tipo de piel necesitarás la siguiente receta.

     Crema hidratante con limón:

  • poner 4 cucharadas de aceite de coco
  • luego mezclar con 2 cucharadas de jugo de limón
  • y no menos importante con 2 cucharadas de avellana

Todos estos ingredientes se mezclarán hasta formar una pasta y luego se guardarán en el refrigerador.

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